Rowan Medical Center
From 1985-1987, this 14,440 sf medical office building was developed since Gib Brumback and his partner were able to successfully solve the needs of a group of medical practices that wanted to own their own space and locate themselves adjacent to Holy Family Hospital. By obtaining letters of interest from the doctor groups, Brumback was able to option the ground, plan the development, finance the project, and create the condominium documents so the individual doctor groups were able to own their own offices. This allowed the doctor groups to locate themselves next to each other and own their space without being legally in a partnership. The many reasons this project was successful is the building was built with parking underneath the building, and the office space on the second level. This concept allowed Brumback to double the size of the building, which then cut the land costs in half allowing for the extra money to raise the building and provide adequate parking for the medical practices.