Renton Medical Building
Due to the success that Brumback and his partner was having in developing medical and dental office condominiums buildings, Brumback met a surgeon in the Renton, WA area that was attempting to do a similar project with no success. In the immediate area and adjacent to the Valley Medical Center, there was an odd shaped piece of property available “for sale” that was narrow and on a steep slope that no owner or developer had been able to develop for various reasons. As it turned out, this site was perfect for locating a building similar to the 14,440 sf Rowan Medical Center with parking underneath. On the condition that Brumback was able to negotiate an ingress and egress easement with the adjoining property owner. This was accomplished and the project was able to move forward. The project took approximately two years to plan and build. Brumback moved the anchor tenant (surgeon) into the building in the late fall of 1988 and sold the medical building at a profit in the summer of 1989.